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Sample Professional Development Webinar Descriptions

Each session is approximately 40 minutes and includes a learning objective, agenda, and certificate of attendance.

Building Literacy Around Diverse Texts & Authors
Hands-on discovery of resources to support the integration of diverse texts and authors into your classroom/library. Attendees will leave this session armed with specific resources and strategies with the potential to enrich their literacy work with global perspectives.

Differentiating with the Text Complexity Toolkit
Learn to use the text complexity toolkit to help select the right books to meet diverse student needs. Implement comprehensive text complexity analyses in support of your instructional plans.

Train the trainer: Sharing and Learning Together
Educators will discover tools and strategies to facilitate staff development on TeachingBooks for their colleagues. Attendess will develop a plan for presenting to colleagues.

To schedule one of these sessions, view the long list or request a customized webinar visit: /Webinars or call (800) 596-0710 and ask for any member of the professional development team.


Blah blah blah.