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- Clic, clac, muu: Vacas escritoras
- Click, Clack Rainy Day
- Click, Clack, Boo!: A Tricky Treat
- Click, Clack, Good Night
- Click, Clack, Ho! Ho! Ho!
- Click, Clack, Moo I Love You!
- Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
- Click, Clack, Peep!
- Click, Clack, Quack to School!
- Click, Clack, Quackity-Quack
- Click, Clack, Splish, Splash
- Click, Clack, Surprise!
- Dooby Dooby Moo
- Duck Stays in the Truck
- Giggle, Giggle, Quack
- Jaja, jiji, cuac
- Pato para presidente
- Pool Party!
- Thump, Quack, Moo: A Whacky Adventure
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