Book Resume
for Please, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony
Professional book information and credentials for Please, Mr. Panda.
6 Professional Reviews
1 Book Award
Selected for 3 State/Province Lists
See full Book Resume
on TeachingBooks
- Booklist:
- Pre-K - K
- Publisher's Weekly:
- Ages Toddler - 5
- Kirkus:
- Ages Toddler - 5
- School Library Journal:
- Pre-K - K
- TeachingBooks:*
- Grades PK-2
- Lexile Level:
- 170L
- Genre:
- Picture Book
- Year Published:
- 2014
13 Subject Headings
The following 13 subject headings were determined by the U.S. Library of Congress and the Book Industry Study Group (BISAC) to reveal themes from the content of this book (Please, Mr. Panda).
6 Full Professional Reviews
The following unabridged reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers. Reviews may be used for educational purposes consistent with the fair use doctrine in your jurisdiction, and may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission from the rights holders.
Note: This section may include reviews for related titles (e.g., same author, series, or related edition).
From School Library Journal
February 1, 2017
Copyright 2017 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
From Horn Book
July 1, 2015
Mr. Panda offers doughnuts to a series of ill-mannered black-and-white animals, finally granting the whole box to the lemur who says "please." Gray backgrounds and Mr. Panda's beleaguered expression contrast nicely with the lemur's perky energy and the technicolor doughnuts he consumes, but Mr. Panda's ultimate admitted dislike of the treats lessens the impact of the joke.
(Copyright 2015 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)
From Booklist
January 1, 2015
Preschool-K A formidably grumpy Mr. Panda and his box of doughnuts are at the center of this droll book about manners. He has a simple question: Would you like a doughnut? The other animals not only want doughnuts but each has a specific demand: Give me the pink one. I want the blue one and the yellow one. Mr. Panda's reply is consistent: No, you cannot have a doughnut. I have changed my mind. After blowing off a penguin, a skunk, and a killer whale, Mr. Panda asks, Would anyone else like a doughnut? He is looking directly out of the page, challenging the reader to guess why none of the animals got their treats. Finally, a cheerful lemur reaps the rewards by using please and thank you. Antony reinforces the idea that manners are absolute by contrasting the black-and-white animals with the rainbow-colored box of doughnuts. He also has fun with the layout, particularly with the lemur and his penchant for hanging upside down. Simply statedand slightly aggressivethis etiquette book lays down the law.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2015, American Library Association.)
From Publisher's Weekly
November 10, 2014
Mr. Panda, though he's a picture of tubby fuzziness, defies the friendly panda stereotype (for one, he has a permanent glower). He offers a box of iced doughnuts to a small penguin, who says, "Give me the pink one." "No, you cannot have a doughnut," growls the panda, turning his back on the shocked penguin and lumbering away. "I have changed my mind." He offends a series of animals in similar fashion until a lemur pokes its head in. "May I have a doughnut... PLEASE, Mr. Panda?" While Mr. Panda doesn't warm up, the "please" nets the lemur the entire box of doughnuts. Smart design decisions by Antony (Betty Goes Bananas) distinguish his visual storytelling. The warm gray backdrop and parade of black and white animals (a skunk, an ostrich, an orca) make the candy-colored doughnuts look all the more tantalizing. Novel perspectives, including an upside-down scene when the lemur makes its appearance, provide freshness, too. Children who remember to say "Please" will know right away what's up, and those who don't will not mind the reminder. Ages 3—5.
From Kirkus
November 1, 2014
The essential words are right in the title-and somehow forgotten by all but one of the animals offered a selection of brightly colored doughnuts.The titular panda is large and blocky, black and white against a neutral background. Mr. Panda's expression is neutral as well, lending him an air of solemnity though he carries a lovely box of doughnuts and wears a ridiculously tiny hat with just one word on it: Doughnuts. "Would you like a doughnut?" he asks several black-and-white creatures (a penguin, a skunk, an ostrich, an orca) in turn. The ostrich declines, "No, go away," but the others speak right up. "Give me the pink one," says the penguin. "I want the blue one and the yellow one," says the skunk. Mr. Panda's ever-so-slightly passive-aggressive but certainly dignified response: "No, you cannot have a doughnut. I have changed my mind." By the time a ring-tailed lemur comes up with not only a polite "May I...?" but a big "PLEASE, Mr. Panda?" tiny young listeners may be so pleased-and relieved-to see the dazzling treats given away that they won't notice how deftly they've been given a manners lesson. Households with toddlers may find a new family catchphrase as Mr. Panda demonstrates one approach to eliciting those elusive "magic words." Simple yet funny enough for multiple readings. (Picture book. 2-5)
From School Library Journal
October 1, 2014
PreS-K-In this witty picture book primer on manners, Mr. Panda offers a variety of animals a doughnut. All respond rudely, and Mr. Panda goes on his way, until he meets a ring-tailed lemur who's aware of the power of politeness. The book is appealingly spare. The large-font text consists entirely of dialogue between Mr. Panda and the animals. Antony relies upon a mostly muted palette-the textured background is entirely gray, and all the creatures black and white-with the box of doughnuts the only example of bright color. There are no backdrops, and few objects are depicted, resulting in an elegant, pared down look. However, the author injects humor into the mix, from the over-the-top ways in which the animals request doughnuts ("I want them all! Then bring me some more," demands the killer whale) to their reactions when Mr. Panda leaves (the orca sports a crestfallen expression, with a gigantic tear). The smudgy black-and-white illustrations are appealing, and while Mr. Panda, a large, squat creature with a sour expression, isn't as adorable as some picture-book pandas-Neil Gaiman's Chu comes to mind-he's definitely endearing. Though this is a book with a clear message, the humor and attractive design give it a bit of an edge and keep it out of the realm of the heavy-handed, "Let's learn a lesson" titles. A fun storytime selection and a solid option for parents or teachers looking for a creative way to emphasize the importance of saying, "Please" and "Thank you."-Mahnaz Dar, School Library Journal
Copyright 2014 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
1 Book Awards & Distinctions
Please, Mr. Panda was recognized by committees of professional librarians and educators for the following book awards and distinctions.
3 Selections for State & Provincial Recommended Reading Lists
Please, Mr. Panda was selected by educational and library professionals to be included on the following state/provincial reading lists.
United States Lists (3)
- Colorado Children's Book Award, 2018 -- Picture Books for Grades K-2
New York
- Buckeye Children's Book Award, 2016, Grades K-2
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This Book Resume for Please, Mr. Panda is compiled from TeachingBooks, a library of professional resources about children's and young adult books. This page may be shared for educational purposes and must include copyright information. Reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers.
*Grade levels are determined by certified librarians utilizing editorial reviews and additional materials. Relevant age ranges vary depending on the learner, the setting, and the intended purpose of a book.
Retrieved from TeachingBooks on February 02, 2025. © 2001-2025, LLC. All rights reserved by rights holders.