Book Resume
for Once by Morris Gleitzman
Professional book information and credentials for Once.
5 Professional Reviews (2 Starred)
2 Book Awards
Selected for 2 State/Province Lists
See full Book Resume
on TeachingBooks
- School Library Journal:
- Grades 6 - 9
- Publisher's Weekly:
- Ages 12 and up
- Booklist:
- Grades 7 - 10
- TeachingBooks:*
- Grades 7-12
- Word Count:
- 30,820
- Lexile Level:
- 640L
- ATOS Reading Level:
- 4.1
- Cultural Experience:
- Jewish
- Genre:
- Historical Fiction
- Year Published:
- 2005
20 Subject Headings
The following 20 subject headings were determined by the U.S. Library of Congress and the Book Industry Study Group (BISAC) to reveal themes from the content of this book (Once).
- Jews
- Orphans--Fiction
- World War, 1939-1945
- Orphans
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Poland--Juvenile fiction
- Young Adult Fiction | Religious | Jewish
- Occupation, 1939-1945
- Young Adult Fiction | Historical | Holocaust
- Survival--Fiction
- Jews--Poland--Juvenile fiction
- Separation (Psychology)
- Poland
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
- Jews--Poland--Fiction
- History
- World War, 1939-1945--Poland--Fiction
- Separation (Psychology)--Fiction
- Survival
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Poland--Fiction
- Poland--History--Occupation, 1939-1945--Fiction
5 Full Professional Reviews (2 Starred)
The following unabridged reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers. Reviews may be used for educational purposes consistent with the fair use doctrine in your jurisdiction, and may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission from the rights holders.
Note: This section may include reviews for related titles (e.g., same author, series, or related edition).
From Horn Book
July 1, 2010
This Holocaust parable plays its main character's naiveti against readers' likely knowledge of the historical realities--the juxtaposition is believable and not at all precious. Gleitzman manages to find a grain of hope in the unresolved (and likely dire) conclusion, but this is the rare Holocaust book for young readers that doesn't alleviate its dark themes with a comforting ending.
(Copyright 2010 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)
From School Library Journal
April 1, 2010
Gr 6-9-Felix lives in Poland in 1942, and reading is his survival mechanism. Now almost 10, he was sent to a Catholic orphanage three years and eight months earlier by his Jewish bookstore-owning parents, and he's convinced himself that the sole reason he remains in hiding is because Nazis hate books. He's a natural storyteller, and when he finds a full carrot in what is typically a woefully thin bowl of soup, he fantasizes that it's a sign from his parents that they're finally on their way to take him home. When the orphanage is visited by surly Nazis instead of joyous parents, Felix escapes with only his cherished notebook full of his stories into the nearby countryside, still hoping for a family reunion. He soon discovers a burning home with two slain adults in the yard and their young daughter bruised but still alive. He takes Zelda on his journey, shielding her from the reality of her parents' deaths in much the same way he's been comforting himself, by inventing alternative realities. But, as he encounters the escalating ugliness of the death marches that are emptying his old neighborhood, now a ghetto, Felix becomes increasingly conflicted about the need to imagine a hopeful order and the need to confront brutal reality head-on. An easy first-person narrative in terms of reading leveland a good choice as a read-aloudthis Holocaust story also taps gut-punching power by contrasting the way in which children would like to imagine their world with the tragic way that life sometimes unfolds."Jeffrey Hastings, Highlander Way Middle School, Howell, MI"
Copyright 2010 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.
From Publisher's Weekly
Starred review from March 8, 2010
Tension builds swiftly in this wrenching tale as Felix, a preteen Polish Jew, narrates his experience of Holocaust atrocities, framed by a search for his parents that begins when he escapes from a Catholic orphanage. A natural storyteller, Felix begins each chapter with a formulaic prelude: “Once I was living in a cellar in a Nazi city with seven other children,” before chronicling events in which his narrative gifts provide comfort and courage to himself and others in increasingly bleak circumstances. After finding his home occupied by hostile neighbors, Felix witnesses pointless murders on a forced march. Gleitzman (Toad Rage
) allows readers to draw conclusions before Felix does (he thinks a book burning is being conducted by “professional librarians in professional librarian armbands”), making poignant Felix's gradual loss of innocence when he realizes that Hitler is not a protector but “the boss of the Nazis,” and when he finally accepts his parents' deaths. The humorous dimension of Felix's narration provides welcome relief, while courageous acts of kindness by Catholic nuns, a German neighbor, and a Jewish dentist lend this tragedy universality. Ages 12–up.
From Horn Book
Starred review from March 1, 2010
Felix runs away from the Catholic orphanage where he's been kept safe the last three-plus years and treks across the countryside of 1942 Poland -- no place for a Jewish child, he soon realizes. With dawning awareness, Felix is witness to many horrors of the Holocaust: forced marches, ghetto life, senseless brutality, and, finally, a train ride to a death camp. Like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (rev. 9/06), this Holocaust parable plays its main character's naivet against readers' likely knowledge of the historical realities, but here the juxtaposition is believable and not at all precious; like The Book Thief (rev. 3/06), the novel extols the power of storytelling in the face of tragedy, but Once pits Felix's stories against even deeper ugliness. Felix approaches life with a storyteller's imagination, and while the stories he tells himself to make sense of a crazy world are so naive as to strain credulity, the book is ambiguous as to what extent that ignorance is willful. In a similar vein, the disillusioned Felix of later chapters continues to invent a gentler world to console other children. Gleitzman manages to find a grain of hope in the unresolved (and likely dire) conclusion, but this is the rare Holocaust book for young readers that doesn't alleviate its dark themes with a comforting ending. An appended author's note directs readers to the (online) primary source material that inspired the book.
(Copyright 2010 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)
From Booklist
February 15, 2010
Grades 7-10 The horror of the Holocaust is told here through the eyes of a Polish Jewish child, Felix, who loses his innocence as he witnesses Nazi-led roundups, shootings, and deportations. After nearly four years in a kind Catholic orphanage, he runs away to find his parents. First he returns home, where he is chased away by new residents. Then he journeys to the city (that is, the ghetto), gets help from other fugitives, discovers the Nazis incomprehensible brutality, and is forced into a train bound for the camps. Through Felixs traumatized, present-tense viewpoint, readers learn of the genocide, in which books and bodies were burned en masse, as well as one victim at a time, including a baby who is shot dead in its high chair. Most moving is the lack of any idealization. Felix rescues a lost little girl, but rather than idolize him, she fights and fumes: Dont you know anything? Felix escapes, but one and a half million Jewish children did not, and this gripping novel will make readers want to find out more about them.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2010, American Library Association.)
2 Book Awards & Distinctions
Once was recognized by committees of professional librarians and educators for the following book awards and distinctions.
2 Selections for State & Provincial Recommended Reading Lists
Once was selected by educational and library professionals to be included on the following state/provincial reading lists.
United States Lists (2)
- 2011-2012 Arkansas Teen Book Award
New Mexico
- New Mexico Battle of the Books for Middle Schools, 2014, Grades 7-9
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This Book Resume for Once is compiled from TeachingBooks, a library of professional resources about children's and young adult books. This page may be shared for educational purposes and must include copyright information. Reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers.
*Grade levels are determined by certified librarians utilizing editorial reviews and additional materials. Relevant age ranges vary depending on the learner, the setting, and the intended purpose of a book.
Retrieved from TeachingBooks on February 04, 2025. © 2001-2025, LLC. All rights reserved by rights holders.